Hudson Valley - Madeline Wiebicke & The Home Team
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Madeline Wiebicke Real Estate Team Keller Williams Hudson Valley Realty Founded in 2009 by Madeline Wiebicke, a Licensed Real Estate Associate Broker with 20 years of industry experience, the Madeline Wiebicke Real Estate Team is dedicated to providing top-tier service to clients throughout Rockland County and beyond. Christie Dunphy, the team’s full-time assistant and a licensed real estate agent, has been an integral part of the team for 8 years. Christie is responsible for all team marketing and paperwork, ensuring every detail is meticulously handled. Sharyn McTigue is a full-time licensed real estate salesperson who excels in working with both sellers and buyers. With certifications as a Pricing Strategy Advisor and a Certified Buyer Representative, Sharyn brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every transaction. Colm McKeever is a licensed real estate salesperson specializing in helping buyers find their dream homes. With 4 years on the team, Colm has successfully guided numerous clients through the home-buying process. Terri McCullagh is a licensed real estate salesperson who also focuses on working with buyers. Terri is beloved by clients for her helpful attitude and strong work ethic, making her a valuable asset to the team.
My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Зурвас оруулна уу
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Мессеж илгээсэн
Ямар нэгэн зүйл буруугаар эргэсэн. Дахин оролдоно уу.
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